Geomorphology is a branch of physical geography that studies the morphology of the earth's surface, that is the forms that make up the relief of the territory, investigating its origin and evolution. In particular, it studies the correlations between the morphology of the soil, its lithological characteristics and the agents that shaped it. It is commonly referred to the study of the surface of the land, but it can also be used to refer to the study of the seabed and other planets.
Geomorphology was originally not separate from Geography. The first geomorphological model consisted of the geographic cycle or "erosion cycle", developed by geographer and father of geomorphology William Morris Davis between 1884 and 1899. Dealing with the shape of valleys, the cycle is presented as a sequence in which a river he used to dig a valley, deeper and deeper, but in which the erosion of the valley sides would partially compensate for the incision with a leveling of the ground, although at a lower altitude. This model is currently considered too simplistic, especially when applied to practical situations. Walther Penck developed an alternative model in 1920, based on cycles of rise and erosion, but it too was too limited and simplified to explain the wide variety of forms and events found in nature.
It also studies the history and dynamics of the territory in order to predict future changes through the evaluation of observations, physical research, and mathematical models. The discipline is also practiced in geodesy, geology, and environmental engineering. The earliest studies of geomorphology foundational in pedology, one of the two branches of earth science. The earth's surface changes in response to the physical agents that insist on it, be they of natural and / or anthropic origin. resist between natural and anthropogeographic processes.
The territory is shaped through the uplift of tectonic plates and volcanism. The dispossession of the territory also takes place through erosion and gravitational movement, which produce sediments transported and deposited elsewhere within the territory or offshore. The territory is also modified by subsidence phenomena, both due to changes in the tectonics and due to sedimentary deposits. These processes are in turn influenced differently by climate, ecology and human activity. Other particular sectors of geomorphology are represented, for example: by the study and forecast of landslides, by the river and their relative safety, by the protection of the coasts, by the evaluation of the presence of water on other planets such as Mars (exogeomorphology), etc.
Areas of application
Geomorphology studies any interaction between lithosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere, detecting the visible forms of this interaction, and predicting its evolution, both past and observing contemporary ones. To study and interpret the terrestrial relief, it makes use of the quantitative analysis of natural factors closely related to them such as: solar energy, the values of each passage in the hydrological cycle or in the water cycle and the degree of movement of the plates tectonics (in tune with geophysics) to calculate the age and future development of land masses.
The use and discovery of increasingly accurate assessment tools and techniques has also allowed the observation of erosive processes and the movements of the slopes and not only the analysis of the consequences of those factors. The advent of technology, through increasingly precise and complex computer simulations, has finally allowed the birth of increasingly realistic models, which are applied to understand, prevent and study ever larger areas of land and a greater number of events.
There are many possibilities of geomorphology intervention, almost always linked and superimposed on other geological disciplines, such as geophysics, geodynamics and geographic-physical study.

"In the American temperament there is a quality, called resiliency, which embraces the concepts of elasticity, rebound, resource and good humor. A girl loses her patrimony, without being commensurate, she will start washing dishes and making hats. A student will not feel debased by working a few hours in a garage or a café. I saw America at the end of the Hoover presidency, in one of the most tragic hours in its history, when all the banks had shut down and economic life was at a standstill. Anguish gripped hearts, but happiness and confidence shone in everyone's faces. Listening to the phrases they exchanged one would have said that it was all a huge joke. And if some financier threw itself out the window, I can't help believing it did so in the deceptive hope of bouncing back ”- Paul Claudel.
The book aims to describe the concept of resilience, a concept that indicates the ability to deal positively with difficult events, to positively reorganize one's life in the face of difficulties, to rebuild oneself while remaining sensitive to the positive opportunities that life offers, without alienating one's own identity. The story tells about a boy who will find himself managing a reality that he could not expect or predict, thanks to the resilience he has shown in various complex and difficult life situations.