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FCO was born from the ideological and systemic desire to push its audience to return to having an "Overview Vision" on the events and on the empirical reality that surrounds us.
In a historical phase characterized by a marked individualism, FCO reflects a lost value such as social culture, history and moral values helping the new generations to regain a critical analysis capacity aimed to acquiring greater responsibility and self-awareness; this will allow them to evolve and defend from the numerous difficulties connected to the contemporary economic and socio-cultural model. If on the one hand the aim is “to evolve”, learning to choose critically, on the other the learning process, which generates knowledge/knowhow, is based on the strong and direct correspondence between the external environment, the quality of knowledge and wealth, the latter radically distorted.These forces (overall) determine the structure of our socio-economic organization open to all cultures and which welcomes talented and motivated people who share the same vision.
In this way, FCO aims to be simultaneously a product of excellence and a mass exclusive event.
”We move forward learning from our past”

Our Mission is to Transmit a Brand-Identity according to a canon of essential modernity in global markets. FCO undertakes to identify and advertise the historical, moral and social values that have passed our time, linking them to brand, that express these virtues, and directing them to the most representative Business (Modular System Business).
Our brands are reliable companions in everyday life and, in this way, FCO wants to create an Effort of interest and an informed, active, encouraged public to participate in public life thanks to a better and more detailed understanding of events, ideas and culture in Italy and in the World. The intent is to create products loved by our customers and that meet their expectations.
The presence on global markets, also thanks to foreign partnerships, gives us the opportunity to share our reality with many people: product quality, guarantee, customer service and after-sales service are our priority.

"The businesses success is ensured by the self-control with which they are carried out."
Karl Coleman
character of "The Project Origin"

MORAL & social VALUE
A continuous challenge that is renewed every day in the constant search for harmony; an ideal principle on which the individual or the community regulates the choice of their behavior.
Share the most important historical events that have changed our time. History (from ancient Greek ἱστορία, historia, "inspection" "research", "knowledge") used as a careful study of the past through the use of sources, documents, testimonies and tales that they can transmit the knowledge.