The system to grow

The “System to Grow” is the result that FCO aspires to achieve and is essentially based on THREE main themes: Creativity, Research and Development:
Creativity is the ability to grasp the nuances of reality, to analyze the world in which we live but above all to look at our society always with new eyes and ready to grasp its change. Only through knowledge, acquired through study, experience, contact with new mentalities, does creativity become the powerful tool capable to giving life a truly original and revolutionary idea or project. The creative process is strongly influenced by the cultural atmosphere in which it develops. This is the key to producing creativity. In fact more is free, interdisciplinary and stimulating the cultural environment, than greater is the production of creativity and talent.
Research & development (technological innovation) is one of the fundamental driving forces for growth and progress: technology concerns the wealth of experiences formed through empirical approaches and theoretical knowledge applicable in practice, while technological innovation represents an improvement in heritage knowledge in the development processes (mainly scientific) and learning (expansion of culture, education and information) of new solutions on certain complex and dynamic situations or problems (problem solving activity).Therefore the Research & Development function is essential to be able to produce innovation.
The System to Grow is therefore based on the ability to produce ideas, knowledge, new techniques and innovation: this set of values ​​have become an important factor in being able to keep up with the times and be competitive.
"You will never know how strong you are, as long as being strong is the only choice you have."
Frank Connor
character of "The project Origin"

Another way of seeing the "System to Grow" is the definition of honesty. For simplicity of reasoning, we will call them HONESTY (type a) and HONESTY (type b).
The first face of honesty (or HONESTY - type a) resembles an ideal rather than an idea: a goal that we pride ourselves on having achieved or that we would like to achieve, at work, at school, in friendships, in interpersonal relationships and in general with others, in everyday life.
Be honest when shopping, be honest when you go to the bank, be honest when you say who you chose to vote in, be honest even when you walk into a store and choose to pay full price without asking for discounts , be honest while queuing, etc. But as you can well understand there is little to worry about, being honest in this sense is a bit of a choice of life, a "state of mind", a conscious and arbitrary attitude: you can decide to be as well as not to be, and we will certainly not be criticizing those who have chosen this or that. HONESTY - (type a) knows a bit of "respectability", "good manners", and like everything we feel indisputably and objectively good (in spite of any relativism) we instinctively praise it. -
HONESTY (type b) is not a choice, it is not easy to see in everyday life, it cannot be found in books and cannot be learned at school, perhaps even mom and dad don't teach it; HONESTY (type b) is the most difficult to see, to read, to hear, to "perceive" and to find materialized in everyday life, and it is precisely intellectual honesty, the honesty that, literally, everyone should have the grace to turn towards your own intellect. In short, the honest of the HONESTY (type b) are "honest intellectuals": those who want to be honest, seek and strive to be honest first of all with themselves. Which is not exactly easy: being honest with yourself means looking at ourselves, undressing everything we think we know about us, about our life, about what we are, about what we think, about what we do and how we act, getting naked , in fact, and be self-critical. It is the most difficult thing they can ask you to do, that of looking at yourself from an absolutely neutral, sterile point of view, and trying to tell yourselves, to that inner "I" of yours that if I had to imagine I would think a bit like a child, and that while I reflect or think about something I imagine myself sitting in a corner listening and nodding. If it exists, intellectual honesty is certainly the most complicated, unnatural, cumbersome and unpleasant thing you will ever try.
The right balance of these concepts determines "The System for Inner Growth".

"Creativity is undoubtedly the most important human resource. Without creativity there would be no progress and we would always repeat the same patterns."
Emmanul Moreau
character of "The project Origin"

"just like Corporate Governance of a company, to do Well in the
Government of a State you have to listen a lot and speak little."
John Malkoch
character of "The project Origin"

DEEPENING - The spirit of self-denial as a tool for growth
"Self-denial" etymologically means distancing and denying oneself. The term indicates the movement of moving away from something, the verb "deny" indicates the action of saying no. Get away from your selfish side; if it is true that no one lives for himself and that, if it is right to love oneself no less than one's neighbor, the part of us that must be loved is not the little "ego" that always craves something at the expense of others, but the luminous Self who discovers and learns to desire what is good for the whole of which he is a part.
Modern culture no longer teaches anything that can be equivalent to the concept of self-denial: neither towards family, nor towards friends, nor towards work; it teaches nothing at all, except the pursuit of the cravings of the little "I".
Today we are prey to the effects of a pounding publicity and a literature, a cinema, a light music, even a comics that always beat and retort on the key of rights, never on that of duties; on the pursuit of individual happiness, never on openness, on availability to others, on self-denial and also, possibly, on self-sacrifice. As if the spirit of sacrifice and self-denial were traps, deceptions, in today's hedonistic and consumerist society, where only a madman can think that it is nice to sacrifice oneself for something or for someone.
This is how the culture of suspicion is born.
Paradoxically and most likely, much of the culture of the last century can be summarized in the formula:
“What will be behind it?
What would you like to give me to understand?
With what strategy are you trying to deceive me? "
without distinguishing between loyal and disloyal interlocutors, honest and dishonest, sincere and lying: because, for the culture of suspicion, all men without exception are fundamentally disloyal, dishonest and liars.
The "good feelings" are now of biased origin like our inner truth always subjected to the swing of external and changing things: what we have tried, felt, thought, remains forever, if we have tried it, felt it, thought it with absolute loyalty and sincerity, without trying to appear different from what we were, without presenting a manipulated version of us, neither to others nor to ourselves.
The spirit of self-denial is important, because it allows us to understand that we are not the center of the world; that there are things greater than us and these things are not so much people or objects with a material value, but on the contrary, they are things that reveal themselves in us. It is a divine thing, a force greater than us, which helps us, sustains us, helps us to move forward in honor of our spiritual and intellectual elevation.
With this in-depth study, we want to reach this conclusion: in modern society, we need to start from simple things, through transparency, active participation and sharing. Operate honestly by making citizens protagonists in making choices.

"If you are looking for the truth, be prepared to see the darkness as well as the light. If you seek to know yourself, be prepared to hold the light when you see your darkness."
Steve Moroon
character of "The project Origin"
DEEPENING - Approach to the "Independent Business Review" as a way to grow
The Independent Business Review is an analysis carried out, as part of the recovery plan, by a specialized professional to identify industrial or financial problems and define strategic objectives, as well as the necessary interventions for the future development of the company and its finances .
In order for an IBR to be effective, it is essential that the independent consultant has the specific skills and experience necessary to complete the project on time and within the expected costs.
What are the reasons for applying for an IBR?
What specific requirements are required of the appointed professional?
In situations of business difficulty, being in possession of transparent and reliable information is a fundamental requirement for all those involved in relevant decisions.
For this reason, when intervening in a crisis management context through the preparation of a recovery plan, the stakeholders concerned, in particular the financing banks, can avail themselves of the professional support of specialized consultants to carry out an independent analysis of industrial problems. o financial, as well as the prospects and industrial and financial sustainability of the plan, as shown in the draft for the discussion of the "Principles for the Preparation of Recovery Plans".
This analysis, called Independent Business Review (IBR), is aimed at probing the plausibility of the future development of the company and its finances through the opinion provided by an external professional regarding the reasonableness of the Plan.
According to the "Principles for the Preparation of Recovery Plans", there are several reasons behind the request for an IBR:
understand the piano in a short time through an in-depth analysis;
obtain an independent opinion provided by an operator of primary standing regarding the accuracy and feasibility of the economic and financial forecasts contained in the Plan;
support any requests for assistance / sacrifice to stakeholders with the opinion of a third-party and independent professional.
The IBR project
This type of analysis is aimed at deepening the knowledge of the logics used.
In order for an IBR to be effective, it is therefore essential that the consultant has the skills and experience necessary to complete the project on time and within the expected costs. For this reason, the assignment is often carried out not by an individual but by a team of professionals, who must then individually undergo a conflict check for conflict issues.
As an indicator from the draft for the discussion of the "Principles for the Preparation of Recovery Plans", the IBR is carried out through the application of the auditing principles on forward-looking information (Auditing Principle 570, ISAE 3400) on the basis of a scope of work defined in agreement with the beneficiaries of the analysis.
The first activity that must characterize the IBR project, in fact, consists in a precise definition of the boundaries of the same, through the imitation of the scope of the assignment, of the resources and times necessary for carrying out the activity, as well as of the form and the content of the final report.
Subsequently it will be necessary to proceed with the construction of the work program, assigning areas of analysis, resources and deadlines to the various professionals involved.
The auditor must therefore acquire adequate knowledge of the business carried out by the entity, to assess whether all the assumptions relevant to the preparation of the forecast data have been identified.
The contribution of the IBR is particularly important in relation to the ways in which the strategic and industrial aspects were addressed in the plan.
The analysis of these elements is frequently placed in the background compared to other components attributable to purely financial aspects.
For this reason, the professional in charge (or the team of professionals) must study and understand the competitive advantages of the company, the conditions of the reference competitive context and the coherence between the strategies and the organization, through the clarification of the strategic objectives and the determination of the critical success factors.
The auditor must therefore acquire adequate knowledge of historical management data, also by reconstructing the KPIs and analyzing the financial statements to identify the evolution of company performances, compare them with those of competitors and verify the industrial project in its internal and external dimension.
The IBR can understand and describe the characteristics of the process followed by the company, specifying its purpose, timing, construction and verification process, also resorting to the analysis of budgets drawn up in the past. The reviewer, depending on his / her scope of action, may also be called upon to:
verify that the accounting principles used to draw up the historical financial statements are similar to those used to draw up the forecast data;
assess whether the assumptions underlying the Plan are consistent with the forecasts of the macroeconomic and sector scenario;
ascertain that the actions that management intends to undertake are compatible with each other and that there are no inconsistencies in determining the data estimated on the basis of common variables;
identify the variables of the plan that could have a high rate of volatility with a consequence of the expected results;
indicate with what probability certain events (disposals, loans, conclusions of, etc.) could occur and impact on the success of the Plan;
underestimates the adequacy of the related disclosure reported in the accompanying notes.
IBR results
The results of the IBR usually contained in documents which are the analyzes carried out by the reviewer and the conclusions reached by him. It can therefore be said that this type of analysis makes it possible to appreciate, among others, the plausibility of the strategic assumptions, the usability of the basic assumptions and, consequently, the feasibility of the plan.