The brand wants to transmit an ideal of life, order and discipline: the design wants to represent a skyscraper, the result of a commitment to grow according to good rules and customs.
The brand wants to transmit the importance of the Egyptian god Horus: son of Isis and Osiris, it symbolizes the balance of the natural world; it represented the lord of prophecy, music, art and beauty and it was identified as the eye of a hawk. Later it was recognized as a symbol of nobility, archetype of the pharaohs.

The brand wants to transmit the importance of Atlas in Greek mythology: he was the first to represent the world through a sphere and was forced by Zeus to hold, on his shoulders, the whole heavenly vault for having allied with his father, Cronus, who threw the Titans against the Olympian gods.
The brand wants to transmit the importance of the noble title “Conte”: it derives from the Latin comes, comitis - pl. Comites, literally "companion" and took various roles in history: in particular it was a title used for imperial officials, for responsibilities and noble privileges or for those who had followed the emperor in his battle and had distinguished himself for some merit.

The brand wants to transmit the importance of Conte in the Holy Roman Empire: he was a count who enjoyed imperial immediacy, a direct vassal of the Emperor and holder of a county or sovereign lordship; he could be admitted to the constituency of the "Counts and Gentlemen "belonging to the Council of Princes.

novel brandS: the project origin

The brand wants to convey the importance of the role of the CEO in a Company.
A successful CEO would be a charismatic person, graduated in a prestigious University, with a great strategic Vision, accompanied by a process that inevitably leads to the top, with the ability to make optimal decisions when under pressure.

The brand wants to convey the importance of the role of Lawyer.
The lawyer is a professional expert in law who provides assistance in favor of a party in the trial, acting as a consultant and legal representative, both judicial and extra-judicial, on behalf of his client.
The brand wants to convey the importance of security vigilance.
A Private security vigilance with its men and its services, can play an important role in guaranteeing urban security, integrating the great work carried out by the forces of public order.

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The products that have contributed most to the growth of visibility and credibility of the "FCO Brands" were mainly those with the "FC" brand (Clothing and Home Living lines).

The rating indicates the assessment of the degree of reliability of the products. FCO aims to grow this rating over time. Below is the rating level of some Suppliers:

For many businesses, creating and managing a network of business partners is not a choice, but a necessity that brings with it great benefits and challenging challenges. Companies are made up of people and are constantly changing and evolving. Relationships are the basis, if not taken care of, a fraying is natural. Therefore it is necessary:
build a relationship of trust,
cure it over time,
renew it so that it does not lose interest.
Easy when resellers / distributors are few and far between; more complex when the number increases and / or the distances increase. It is no longer a question of renewing and reviving the relationship in the day-by-day, but of planning a growth together, capable of favoring business results in the medium-long term (without multiplying the complexity of the system).
FCO is therefore oriented towards the development of a Partner Strategy capable of expanding joint growth.
The incentive becomes a lever to focus the efforts of the sellers and stimulate more effective and efficient behaviors in achieving certain objectives that often, too often, are decided by the top management without comparison and sharing. In order to achieve achievable goals, it is essential to discuss with the sales force and the careful evaluation of any operational difficulties, as well as the characteristics of both the group and the individual seller.
In the sales activity, a correct incentive policy is essential to protect the business strategy, professionalism and sales performance which, in an increasingly globalized and competitive market, are factors of fundamental importance. Nowadays, the value of a company is increasingly associated with intangible elements such as, for example, the ability to retain and manage the customer. For these reasons the seller cannot only receive qualitative stimuli, but must also receive qualitative stimuli; confer the percentage of outstanding payments, decrease the number of lost customers or increase the average margin is as important as the annual sales target, i.e. the volume of sales acquired in the reference year.
FCO is oriented towards developing a system of incentives aimed at creating value: if well studied and chosen, a non-economic incentive can be as effective and motivating as the economic one; at the base of everything remains the in-depth knowledge of one's own sales network and the ability to create a balanced incentive plan, the result of the right mix between quantitative and qualitative objectives.