"plan your goals and connect with thousands of new potential customers"
Created with:

the MARKETING portal

The term "Portal" is one of the most used by Internet professionals. Throught comparing multiple sources, it is possible to identify the portal as a service that acts as an information mediator (infomediary) for benefit of Internet users, allowing them to reach a large amount of existing resources through a particular entry point into the Network. A portal is essentially an information aggregator that offers a navigation service which facilitates the search work.
FCO - GLOBE PORTAL represents an excellent launching platform (at marketing level) for your Goals and offer the possibility to meet numerous potential customers. We operate trought the following guidelines:

We are a passionate Team oriented to the creation and realization of unique high-level moments and experiences.
Reality has lost its exclusivity in physical expression to fully integrate on the virtual and digital level. Possibilities for social interaction have not been reduced, but expanded exponentially and this allows us to interact with audiences / cultures of various kinds.
We create and execute Branded Content Strategies reaching a qualitatively unique level of engagement. We build a strategy that guarantees impact, original content and emotions.
Network: source of new commercial opportunities for companies in every sector;
Web Positioning: covering an excellent position on the web (google, microsoft edge, bing, etc ...) and on the main social networks, our site is highly viewed and can represent an excellent launching platform for your goals;
Clarity & Simplicity: the FCO structure is very simple and is structured in well-identified sections, in which interested parties can create their web page;
Leadership: FCO adopts a behavior aimed to orienting the activities of a group towards a shared goal - expand the customer portfolio;
Corporate Social Responsability (CSR) : FCO wants to guide the integration of social and environmental concerns in their commercial operations and in their relations with interested parties;

We design, execute and measure multi-format branded content strategies. Brands need to be content generators and stories that connect with their audience.
We help brands build the voice of their content, distribute and amplify it in various formats: Influence marketing, BrandTalking, Design Thinking, EndoInfluence, Purpose Marketing, and much more.
Our model is unique. We focus on the content and needs of brands, we have our own means of communication, from traditional to digital media, which offer access and impact to a restricted audience in a wide range of profiles.
FCO aims to be a part of the Growth Puzzle that affects your future.

"The businesses success is ensured by the self-control with which they are carried out."
Karl Coleman
character of "The Project Origin"

"Power has only one duty: to ensure social security for people."
Joseph Lambert
character of "The Project Origin"