

Frank Connor is a guy from New Brunswick, a small town in the eastern United States, a stone's throw from New York. He wants to make his life a success, but Frank discovers his destiny only when he arrives in Manhattan, within the Florence Pharm Group, a multinational pharmaceutical company, where he is hired as an accountant. From here he starts his professional history, between political and economic subterfuges, extricating himself between obstacles and obstructions of the "powerful". Frank's aim is to revolutionize the New York and global business landscape, setting up an economic system that is both imperial and ethical. Along his path he will be faced with numerous battles to win, some apparently insurmountable, others unavoidable. And all with one goal: to complete his project origin.
It is with pleasure that, on 05 September 2021, Fabio Conte's book, "The Project Origin", a novel that has been very successful, will be presented. With the participation of Dr. Carlo Piccolo and Dr. Marco Perin, the author Dr. Fabio Conte will present the book by addressing various topics that revolve around the novel, including Resilience.
The event will be held at the Hotel Enea in Aprilia.
We are waiting for you.

the presentation

traits of novel


A new story, a new reality… “the project origin” continues...

The novel has been deposited in the following Public Libraries:
1. National Central Library of Rome (BNCR);
2. National Central Library of Florence (BNCF);
3. Central Library of the Sicilian Region "Alberto Bombace" (PALERMO);
4. Regional university library (MESSINA);
5. Municipal library of Aprilia (LT).

article and magazine pubblications

A moodboard is a series of images joined together as in a collage, which is used by designers to show a project and the product concepts related to it in a visual format. There are different types of moodboards: the first macro subdivision classifies them between physical and digital.
The physical versions are tables (horizontal or vertical) where photos, newspaper clippings, fabrics or other material are collected that is linked to a single common thread which is the guiding thread of the project: inspiration.
In the digital versions, on the other hand, software is used to help collect image files (in the digital versions) and which help to visually reorganize them in order to simulate what would be done in the physical version.
The usefulness is linked to the fact that it is easier for the human mind to view images than to read a text. Furthermore, in observing its entirety, it is quickly possible to identify that it is not possible to identify the project or to identify elements often under project areas, bringing the images that are better coupled together.

Graphic Novel Project
In general, the Graphic Novel is an illustrated story between journalism, fiction and comics, generally aimed at an adult audience. Usually in the form of autonomous narration, this genre is distinguished from comics properly so-called for its adherence to real themes and events, for the more or less marked function of testimony, for the scarce use of fantastic elements and often for the memorialistic cut or for the style marked by reportage or travel diary.
We are looking for a suitable partner for the development of "The Project Origin" for this new project.

brand personages projects


Synergy comes from a Greek word meaning "cooperation". The concept is used to name the action of two or more causes that generate an effect greater than that which would be obtained with the sum of the single effects.
Synergy is often thought to involve the integration of parts or systems that make up a new object. Therefore, the analysis of this new object differs from the analysis of each of the parts separately.
Two elements that come together and generate synergies offer a result that maximizes the qualities of each of the elements. The concept, for this reason, is very popular in management, marketing and economics, as it highlights the benefits of associated work to achieve goals.
When the efforts of two or more companies are combined, each with a different specialty but complement each other, they achieve far greater benefits than are possible through individual strategies.
There are those who understand synergy as an assessment of differences. The new result is achieved by an understanding between different elements, which can be transferred to society and human life in general.
It is possible to understand the notion from the operation of everyday objects such as watches (whose components cannot indicate the time separately), letters (which, together, formal words) or companies (whose members alone cannot carry out productive activity on a large scale). ladder).
The term synergy is often used in various fields to allude to the advantages of joint efforts over individual ones. In this sense, it is common to use it to build charitable names and popular initiatives to address various problems, such as lack of employment and discrimination. The union of two or more people to fight for the same cause also produces a synergistic effect, as the richness of the variety offers results that are far from the possibilities of a single being. Since no two individuals are identical, it is very likely that the contributions of each member of a given group are unique, that they enhance the actions of the rest and show them new resources.
To conclude, Synergy can be defined as the reaction of two or more agents working together to produce a result that cannot be obtained individually (concept applicable in all disciplines, from biology to sociology).

NEW BRUNSWICK NEW JARSEY – hometown of the novel's author “THE PROJECT ORIGIN”
Why are the countries twinned?
Twinning is a symbolic link established to develop close political, economic and cultural relationships. There are various types of twinning, between institutions, bodies and schools, whose unions are established to foster human and cultural relations between the two subjects or entities that carry out the twinning
How is a twinning between municipalities born?
The best known, inspired by common ideals of peace and well-being, is that constituted between two municipalities of the same state or of different states. These twinning are established between countries, sometimes even distant from each other, but which have in their histories or origins points in common with which to recognize themselves.


The derivative series are obtained by maintaining the background setting of the original series, taking a secondary or minor character and making him the protagonist of the novel. They may not be exactly in line with events or elements present in the original series and may differ even for small details following their own continuity.
A new story, a new reality…
...“the project origin” continue...
...“Folders Gate”, a revival Dejavù; The Operation "Oblivion" and much more...


Common saying
Form & Lock ranks!
In common language the expression indicates the dedication, the commitment of each member of a group to face a difficulty, a danger, a struggle, an action to defend someone or to achieve a common goal.
The term derives from the military language. In the past, in open field battles, armies were arranged opposite each other and soldiers, before a fight, lined up and approached as close as possible to each other to make the front compact and to better defend against breakthrough maneuvers by the enemy.

"The activity itself is not so important as the development (concentration, coordination, autonomy ...)"

Responsibility can be defined as the "ability to predict the consequences of one's behavior and correct it on the basis of that prediction"; it is a central concept in moral philosophy, law, social science and even in current business language, fields in which the term takes specific meanings.
The sequel of the novel aims to describe the importance of “choices and actions” that take place in the course of our life. Every action, according to the principle of cause / effect, involves a positive or negative responsibility. Therefore, the choices that are generally made in our life must always be weighed on the basis of the responsibilities that derives from them.