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Marketing office: opportunities for the company?

The presence of a structured marketing office is the key to good management and organization of corporate marketing activities. Of course, in many realities it is a function carried out by small if not very small teams, composed of one or two people.In other realities it is the entrepreneur himself who takes care of it, perhaps with the help of a young graduate fresco who is loaded with more responsibilities than he has the knowledge to manage them.

So let's start by examining what are the opportunities for an SME that really wants to be the protagonist of the change taking place in B2B marketing. We do this by indicating what a well-structured marketing department should be. Because if we shouldn't how things should be done how do we get better?



If we want to summarize the marketing result as much as possible, we can say that it has the specific purpose of providing information on the use, quality and value of a product or service in order to promote it and support its sale. In a nutshell, marketing has the function of finding points of union between the needs of the reference market and company products.

The task of marketing is to convey information on the use, quality and value of a product or service in order to promote it and support its sale.

The importance of a marketing office in PMI

Marketing is a key part of any business. Even if there were a product that sells itself "by itself", there would always be the problem of widening the circle of those who could be potential buyers.

The company that does not have a structured marketing activity within it is a company that navigates in the dark and that significantly reduces the possibility of increasing its customer base and existing ones.

Of course, there may be an enlightened entrepreneur who carries marketing activities on his shoulders but in general they are short-term projects. And today, with the complexity introduced by Digital marketing, it is easy to go from shortness of breath to breathlessness.

Duties of a marketing department and of the marketing manager

The team of a corporate marketing office must be directed by a marketing manager who knows how to structure the tasks of:

  • promote the company's products and services according to the corporate objectives,

  • create a fertile ground for the sales actions of the sales team, on which the responsibility for closing orders falls.

The above highlights the importance of perfect harmony between the two teams, the need for an open flow of information, and the mutual knowledge of the actions on the market carried out by both teams.

Returning to the marketing department, there are four main areas of expertise, on which all the activities aimed at achieving company objectives are governed in cascade.

  1. Identify the areas where the product fits - This is where the company should focus its marketing strategy and, therefore, spend its budget for maximum reach and results. I am not referring only to the identification of new markets, but also to the strengthening of sales on already acquired markets with the development, for example, of new products.

  2. Build relationships with the reference interlocutors - The task of the marketing department is to expand the customer base by creating new contacts (Lead generation). To do this, develop awareness and knowledge of the company, the brand, its products and services. Furthermore, with a subsequent action plan, the marketing team will accompany the contact along the purchasing process, acquiring more and more information to create new business opportunities for the company. At this point the new contact will pass to the sales force who will have to transform him into a customer.

  3. Involve the acquired customer - Another responsibility of the marketing department is the involvement of existing customers. The best way to do this is to listen to what they have to say and their needs in order to provide what they need. With respect to customers already acquired, the marketing team can, for example, implement up-selling and cross-selling activities.

  4. Monitor the market, the competition, the results - To carry out its business in the best possible way, the marketing department must monitor the market and the competition. Each company lives in an entrepreneurial fabric that changes and changes over time. Not recording these changes means ingesting one's promotion into outdated and therefore no longer efficient models.

Similarly, it is essential to analyze the results of marketing activities to verify their goodness or to introduce changes to better achieve business objectives.

How a marketing office is structured

Know that there is no quick rule to define what to use to organize a marketing office. There are several variables involved:

  • primarily the needs of the company: the type of product, the breadth of the market.

  • company size,

  • the budget available to create the marketing team and to support its activities,

An example title is how a marketing office could be structured:

  1. Marketing Director (CMO) - It is the person who sits on the board (or company management) to whom he is responsible for the results of the marketing strategies. He is the one who translates the directives of the company management to the marketing department in order to develop the most suitable strategies to achieve the company objectives. He will then have to evaluate, examine plan, approve or reject what is submitted to him.

  2. Marketing director - It is the function of the development of marketing strategies and which must oversee their application by analyzing the results. It responds to the CMO, unless this function is integrated with that of CMO (or vice versa).

  3. Head of Marketing - It is the operational arm of the CMO or the Marketing Director. Depending on the organization, there may be multiple Marketing Managers each dedicated to a particular aspect of the marketing activity. His responsibility is the translation of marketing strategies into concrete actions. He will have to create (or oversee the creation) of messages and choose communication channels. He may have his own team, of which he is responsible, to carry out his duties.

  4. Responsible for data analysis and market research - This figure is responsible for market research and monitoring of sales data that guide the activities of the marketing department and its strategies. It is the figure who prepares the sales reports (and other types) for the various company functions including the management ones. Analysts use various tools to monitor sales trends and to gather useful information for marketing. If there is no dedicated figure, he also deals with the analysis and monitoring of the trends of marketing campaigns and results. The information processed will be evaluated by the Marketing Manager from whom it will be evaluated. In coordination with colleagues, the management and maintenance of the corporate CRM and internal promotion actions to spread its use often fall under his responsibility.

  5. Head of public relations / press - He deals with managing all relations with the outside of the company. From trade associations, to local and non-local institutions (depending on the size of the company's market), and so on. He is in charge of corporate reputation and for this reason he coordinates with the Head of Social Media. If the company does not have a dedicated press office, this figure is also responsible for coordinating and managing relations with the press, creating press releases. It is also his responsibility to organize press conferences on the occasion of events (such as trade fairs), or of particular economic or production news or important orders acquired from the company.

  6. Head of Digital Marketing and Social Media - Also in this case the two activities can be covered by two different figures even if for the most part they are carried out by a single person. All the online marketing of the company fall under his responsibility: managing the company website, planning digital campaigns, supervising SEO, managing email marketing campaigns and so on.

  7. Head of corporate communication (internal / external) - It is the figure who owes the recognition of the corporate brand and is responsible for the image of the company in all the activities that are put into practice by his colleagues. Generally, he is also responsible for the commercial documentation and he oversees the realization of the technical one. Anything bearing the company logo, from letterhead, to packaging, to email signatures, to signs must be verified and approved by the Head of Corporate Communication.

  8. Marketing assistant - When she is present she is usually covered by a Junior. He is the one who takes care of the administrative aspects and who manages the daily needs of the marketing department.

the project origin

work opportunity

content marketing.png

Introduction figure: content marketing manager
More and more digital marketers have realized that different types of content can:

  • educate,

  • inform,

  • amuse,

  • attract visitors,

  • convert them,

  • increase turnover,

  • transform customers into ambassadors of their products or services,

and they also understood that designing, creating and managing content of value in terms of conversion and storytelling must be part of any integrated communication plan.

what are your duties?
Dealing with the design and management of content, which can be text, video, images, it goes without saying that he has a broad knowledge of the internet. He often works side by side with the web master or the web designer, knows the writing techniques of seo copywriting, plans marketing strategies after analyzing data and statistics. In short, a good content marketing manager does not work for "sealed compartments" but must have an overview to master complex integrated communication projects.
Comparing himself with other professionals, he has certainly developed organizational skills and a great deal of self control.
A little creative, a little technical, the professional content marketing manager masters the narrative techniques of storytelling with which he tells and traces the stories of your brand, attracting the attention of the target audience, exciting and involving them effectively.
An involved reader can respond positively to a call to action, whether it be enrolling in a course, purchasing a new product, booking a trip.


three facts that don't need much comment:

  • 81% of shoppers search online before entering any store.

  • Consumers spend approximately 79 days researching online before purchasing.

  • 70% of potential customers appreciate all the content that helps them learn more about a brand.

Being on the web with a showcase site is no longer enough: your company can gain a competitive advantage by publishing quality content to acquire new customers and retain the ones you already have.

Fco is looking for professionals who can develop FCO brands abroad.

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The incentive becomes a lever to focus the efforts of the sellers and stimulate more effective and efficient behaviors in achieving certain objectives that often, too often, are decided by the top management without comparison and sharing. In order to achieve achievable goals, it is essential to discuss with the sales force and the careful evaluation of any operational difficulties, as well as the characteristics of both the group and the individual seller.


In the sales activity, a correct incentive policy is essential to protect the business strategy, professionalism and sales performance which, in an increasingly globalized and competitive market, are factors of fundamental importance. Nowadays, the value of a company is increasingly associated with intangible elements such as, for example, the ability to retain and manage the customers. For these reasons the seller cannot only receive qualitative stimuli, but must also receive qualitative stimuli; confer the percentage of outstanding payments, decrease the number of lost customers or increase the average margin is as important as the annual sales target, i.e. the volume of sales acquired in the reference year.

FCO is oriented towards developing a incentives system aimed to attracting new customers, expanding international collaborations and strengthening its Sales Forces: if well studied and chosen, a non-economic incentive can be as effective and motivating as the economic one; FCO aims to increase its sales network, for an international level, through a balanced incentive plan: the result of the right mix of quantitative and qualitative objectives (Marketing Forces).


attualmente, il marchio FC sport è gestito dall'agenzia di licensing brandoasi


Hai la distribuzione ma non trovi il marchio adatto? Che tu sia alla ricerca di un nuovo mercato per i tuoi prodotti o che tu sia alla ricerca di una proprietà intellettuale in grado di migliorarli, Brand Oasi lavora per questo.

Operiamo con brand di fama internazionale nei settori più diffusi: dalla moda allo sport, dagli eventi all'intrattenimento, dalle proposte emergenti a brand appartenenti all'heritage italiano.

Il nostro obiettivo è aiutare il licenziatario a creare un nuovo business così da creare un rapporto di collaborazione continuativa. La soddisfazione del licenziatario in merito al brand proposto è quindi il nostro maggior interesse.


Se cerchi un brand sei nel posto giusto!

L'Agenzia ha la finalità di supporto alle decisioni di investimento per nuove opportunità commerciali.

Nero Sfondo e Giallo Citazione Segni Didascalia Aforismi.png

investment advice

incontro d'affari

The behaviors to keep ON FINANCIAL MARKETS

The first step is financial planning: only after a careful assessment of our savings, our income and the expenses we will have to face will it be possible to determine which sums, and for how long, we can invest.

Then comes the choice of investment. Not every solution is valid for everyone; investing is a bit like a made-to-measure suit: it must be adapted to our characteristics, which are nothing more than our investment objectives, understood as a time horizon, risk appetite and return expectations.

As when we buy a suit we are helped by the tailor or the salesman who, with a clinical eye, tells us how he dresses us, when we decide what to invest in we must count on the help of professionals to understand if the investment we are asking for, or that is proposed to us. , it's for us.

These professionals, typically banks and SIMs, can only carry out this task if they know us well. And they can only get to know us by acquiring a whole range of information about our financial situation.

It is important to set up a correct and profitable relationship with the intermediary and collaborate, through an effective exchange of information, so that he can advise us in the best possible way.

In the path that leads us to use our savings, another factor must also be taken into account: the limits connected to our nature as human beings.

Normally the economic sciences place as a prerequisite of their theories "the operation of fully rational subjects". Thus, in reality, unfortunately it is not, and we are not always able to tackle the issues of savings in rational terms.

We need to be aware of the most common behavioral errors we make in our mental journeys. Getting to know us better is the first step to avoiding this type of mistake.

Another fundamental aspect is the rights and responsibilities of investors when they approach the various forms of investment. Above all, we place our focus on responsibilities. Investors must certainly be aware of their rights, and expect them to be respected, but it is equally important to focus on their responsibilities, on those behaviors that we are required to perform if we really want to safeguard and make use of our savings.

Trading Online : the best platforms to invest


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Whether you’re a beginner learning the basics or you simply don’t have time to watch the markets, now it’s easy to leverage other traders’ expertise. With eToro’s CopyTrader, you can automatically copy top-performing traders, instantly replicating their trading in your own portfolio.

You’ll be joining a leading collaborative community of traders and investors — a place to connect, share, and learn. View millions of other traders’ portfolios, stats, risk scores, and more. Chat with them, discuss strategies and benefit from their knowledge.



"In the American temperament there is a quality, called resiliency, which embraces the concepts of elasticity, rebound, resource and good humor. A girl loses her patrimony, without being commensurate, she will start washing dishes and making hats. A student will not feel debased by working a few hours in a garage or a café. I saw America at the end of the Hoover presidency, in one of the most tragic hours in its history, when all the banks had shut down and economic life was at a standstill. Anguish gripped hearts, but happiness and confidence shone in everyone's faces. Listening to the phrases they exchanged one would have said that it was all a huge joke. And if some financier threw itself out the window, I can't help believing it did so in the deceptive hope of bouncing back ”- Paul Claudel.


The book aims to describe the concept of resilience, a concept that indicates the ability to deal positively with difficult events, to positively reorganize one's life in the face of difficulties, to rebuild oneself while remaining sensitive to the positive opportunities that life offers, without alienating one's own identity. The story tells about a boy who will find himself managing a reality that he could not expect or predict, thanks to the resilience he has shown in various complex and difficult life situations.


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