welcome to territory

France was one of the nations that has most influenced the history and culture of the last few centuries, and still maintains a great importance within Europe. The territory is quite varied as we have lowland areas, other hilly areas, mountain ranges (Alps and Pyrenees above all); the coasts are quite extensive and embrace the Mediterranean and the Atlantic Ocean.
France has all types of territory, the north of the country is flat and hilly, in the center we find mid-mountain, hilly and other flatter areas, in the south-eastern and south-western extremities there are two important mountain ranges, well known to passionate about cycling, the Alps and the Pyrenees.
In France we find the highest peak of all the Alps and also of Europe (excluding the Caucasus), Mont Blanc (4,809 m.), On the border with Italy; the French Pyrenees, on the other hand, slightly exceed three thousand meters, with Pointe Chausenque (3.204 m.) as the highest peak.
The territory is rich in rather long watercourses, starting from the Loire (1,006 km), a river that originates in southern France and flows into the Atlantic Ocean shortly after Nantes; the Seine, the river of Paris, flows north into the English Channel after 777 kilometers. Other important rivers are the Rhone (553 km of the 812 total in France), which flows into the Mediterranean, the Garonne (522 km in French territory, total 647 km), the Marne (514 km) and the Meuse (486 km the stretch French, total 925 Km); to the east we also find the Rhine (1320 km), which for 184 kilometers marks the border with Germany and therefore only laps France.
The only large transalpine lake is that of Geneva (or Léman), which however is mostly found in Switzerland (580 km², of which 235 km² in France); near the Mediterranean, not far from Marseille we find a lagoon, the Etang de Berre (155 Km²), while the largest freshwater basin entirely in France is the Lac du Bourget (44.5 Km²).
Corsica (8,680 Km²) is by far the largest island in France and the only major island in the Mediterranean Sea, on the contrary there are some of them with a decent surface in the Atlantic Ocean not far from the coasts, even if the islands of Canale are dependencies of the United Kingdom, Île d'Oléron (174 Km²), Belle-Île-en-Mer (86 Km²) and Île de Ré (85 Km²) the three largest; the overall coastal development is 3,420 kilometers.
The climate in most of the country is of an oceanic type, given the arrangement of the reliefs, in the central-eastern parts it assumes a continental character, with obviously colder areas in the most remote locations of the Alps and Pyrenees.
France is the most visited country in the world, with almost 80 million tourists a year; in addition to Paris, this country offers a bit of everything, both for cultural tourism (museums, castles, world-famous monasteries) and for leisure, thanks to the variety of the territory, without forgetting the food and wine sector.

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"In the American temperament there is a quality, called resiliency, which embraces the concepts of elasticity, rebound, resource and good humor. A girl loses her patrimony, without being commensurate, she will start washing dishes and making hats. A student will not feel debased by working a few hours in a garage or a café. I saw America at the end of the Hoover presidency, in one of the most tragic hours in its history, when all the banks had shut down and economic life was at a standstill. Anguish gripped hearts, but happiness and confidence shone in everyone's faces. Listening to the phrases they exchanged one would have said that it was all a huge joke. And if some financier threw itself out the window, I can't help believing it did so in the deceptive hope of bouncing back ”- Paul Claudel.
The book aims to describe the concept of resilience, a concept that indicates the ability to deal positively with difficult events, to positively reorganize one's life in the face of difficulties, to rebuild oneself while remaining sensitive to the positive opportunities that life offers, without alienating one's own identity. The story tells about a boy who will find himself managing a reality that he could not expect or predict, thanks to the resilience he has shown in various complex and difficult life situations.