welcome to territory

Germany is one of the most important nations both politically and above all economically; the exit from both world conflicts was able to get up quickly and return leader in various industrial sectors, divided in 1949 in western and eastern Germany and reunited in 1990. The territory is characterized by a lowland in the north of the country ( which is bathed by the North Sea and the Baltic Sea) and by the northern offshoots of the Alps to the south, in the middle there are flat, hilly and mountainous areas.
The German territory is mainly flat, especially in the northern part, proceeding towards the south there are some isolated mountain ranges of limited extension and reaching a maximum of 1,000-1,500 meters; the extreme southern area of the country along the border with Austria is lapped by the Alps, the highest peak in Germany is the Zugspitze (2,962 m.).
The German river network includes three rivers of great importance in Europe, navigable for long stretches; in southern Germany the second longest river on the continent is born, the Danube, which here runs 647 of its total 2,858 km; then we have the Rhine (865 km the German stretch, total 1,320 km), which crosses a large part of the country from south to north in its western section and the Elbe (727 km in Germany, total 1,094 km), which has a southern orientation - east to north-west between the cities of Dresden and Hamburg; Meno (527 Km), Weser (452 Km) and Saale (413 Km) are the major watercourses that flow completely on German soil.
In Germany there is only one large lake, albeit shared with Switzerland and Austria, Lake Constance (536 Km² in total, 303 Km² the German portion); Müritz (110 Km²), Chiemsee (80 Km²), Schweriner See (61 Km²) and Starnberger See (56 Km²) the other lake basins with a surface greater than fifty square kilometers.
The German coasts see the presence of some islands and archipelagos, the largest are Rügen (930 Km²), Usedom (373 Km² the German part, total 445 Km²) and Fehmarn (185 Km²) in the Baltic Sea and all connected by bridges to the mainland; in the North Sea we find the North Frisian Islands, some are from Denmark, Sylt (102 Km²) and Föhr (82 Km²) the two largest German ones and the East Frisian Islands (134 Km² - Borkum 31 Km²); the coastal development is 2,390 kilometers.
The climate is oceanic as far as the central-northern areas are concerned, it assumes continental characteristics in the innermost and mountainous areas of the country; winters are therefore more rigid in the east and south, where overall rainfall is more consistent, especially in summer; the difference in temperatures between warmer and colder months is also more marked in the southern part of Germany.
In Germany we can find various tourist ideas, especially in terms of monuments, from cathedrals, to the various castles scattered throughout the territory, to cities rich in art and culture such as Berlin or Dresden.

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"In the American temperament there is a quality, called resiliency, which embraces the concepts of elasticity, rebound, resource and good humor. A girl loses her patrimony, without being commensurate, she will start washing dishes and making hats. A student will not feel debased by working a few hours in a garage or a café. I saw America at the end of the Hoover presidency, in one of the most tragic hours in its history, when all the banks had shut down and economic life was at a standstill. Anguish gripped hearts, but happiness and confidence shone in everyone's faces. Listening to the phrases they exchanged one would have said that it was all a huge joke. And if some financier threw itself out the window, I can't help believing it did so in the deceptive hope of bouncing back ”- Paul Claudel.
The book aims to describe the concept of resilience, a concept that indicates the ability to deal positively with difficult events, to positively reorganize one's life in the face of difficulties, to rebuild oneself while remaining sensitive to the positive opportunities that life offers, without alienating one's own identity. The story tells about a boy who will find himself managing a reality that he could not expect or predict, thanks to the resilience he has shown in various complex and difficult life situations.